Pinocchio, the magical puppet who becomes a real boy, returns in his newest and greatest adventure! Troubles begin for Pinocchio and his best friend, Lampwick, when they decide to skip school and go to a magic carnival run by the mysterious Madame Flambeu, who possesses an elixir supposed to cure any illness. Trying to buy the elixir for the ailing Geppetto, Pinocchio is forced into a binding contract with the carnival... and then the dark secret of the potion is finally revealed, sending Pinocc .if your download do not automatically please press button beloww
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watch movie streaming: New Adventures Of Pinocchio, The (Dvd) free online in HD
Posted by Tuefi
Posted on 04.43
Descriptions New Adventures Of Pinocchio, The (Dvd) Free Movie
Pinocchio, the magical puppet who becomes a real boy, returns in his newest and greatest adventure! Troubles begin for Pinocchio and his best friend, Lampwick, when they decide to skip school and go to a magic carnival run by the mysterious Madame Flambeu, who possesses an elixir supposed to cure any illness. Trying to buy the elixir for the ailing Geppetto, Pinocchio is forced into a binding contract with the carnival... and then the dark secret of the potion is finally revealed, sending Pinocc .if your download do not automatically please press button beloww
Pinocchio, the magical puppet who becomes a real boy, returns in his newest and greatest adventure! Troubles begin for Pinocchio and his best friend, Lampwick, when they decide to skip school and go to a magic carnival run by the mysterious Madame Flambeu, who possesses an elixir supposed to cure any illness. Trying to buy the elixir for the ailing Geppetto, Pinocchio is forced into a binding contract with the carnival... and then the dark secret of the potion is finally revealed, sending Pinocc .if your download do not automatically please press button beloww